达蒙 Franke placeholder

Professor 达蒙 Franke



达蒙 teaches a wide variety of courses on literature, 文化, 写作, critical analysis, he strives to bring literature to life for his students. His recent courses include Nonfiction Creative Writing, American Literature and Culture of the 1990s, Bestsellers of the 1970s, Literature of New Orleans. His publications include a study of the origins of modernism, Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883-1924 还有一些文章 小说研究, James Joyce Quarterly, The Journal of Narrative Theory, 密西西比州的季度, Nineteenth-Century Prose, English Language Notes, European Joyce Studies. His current book projects involve a study of the philosophy of “becoming” in the works of James Joyce, a genealogy of environmental thought in Edwardian literature with the working title The Organic Edwardians. He also sponsors the Gulf Coast chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society.

  • PHD - University of Iowa (2003)
  • MA - University of Georgia (1995)
  • BA - University of California-Berkeley (1991)

研究生研讨会: 现代主义 and Totality
研究生研讨会: British Literatures of the Environment (与妮可·乔丹合作)
高级研讨会: 爱尔兰文艺复兴
高级研讨会: Edwardian Literatures of the Environment
高级研讨会: Generation X Literature and Culture (4次)
高级研讨会: 《九游会国际》 及其语境
高级研讨会: Nine Lives: Autobiography and Memoir
高级研讨会: Literature of New Orleans and Southern 密西西比州
高级研讨会: Literature of New Orleans: The Carnivalesque City (两次)
高级研讨会: Millennial Literature and Culture
高级研讨会: Youth Culture between Two Deaths
History of the English Language (两次)
Nonfiction Creative Writing (5 times)
受欢迎的小说: How To Get Away with Murder
受欢迎的小说: Bestsellers of the 1970s
Survey of Contemporary Literature: Literature of New Orleans and Southern
Survey of British Literature, 1789 to present: The Utopian Unconscious (14次)
Survey of British Literature, 1789 to present: Romanticism, Victorianism, 现代主义, 后现代主义
Survey of Modern Poetry (4次)
American Literature since 1945: 1968 in Literature, Film, Music
Survey of the American Novel, 1920-60: 类型与电影
Survey of the American Novel: 1962: A Wrinkle in Time and the Paradigms of
Studies in Postcolonial Literature: Cruising the Caribbean (两次)
Studies in 世界文学: 最伟大的爱情故事
Studies in 世界文学: World Masterpieces of Cinematic Fiction
Survey of the Modern Novel: Synthesis and the Synthetic
Survey of the Modern Novel: Turn of the Century Adventure and Romance
Studies in British Literature: Religion and the Origins of 现代主义
Studies in British Literature: The Life and Works of James Joyce
Analysis of Literature: How To Do Things with Words (13次)
Literary Study of the Bible (3次)
Introduction to Poetry: 美,存在,诗 (7次)
世界文学: Paths to Enlightenment (3次)
世界文学: Page-Turners and the Ways of Reading (31次)
Rhetoric and Composition: The Composition of Values (13次)
Modernist Heresies (as part of Seely Distinguished Dissertation Fellowship)
The Third Reich and Literature (with Astrid Oesmann)
叙事文学: The Persistence of Myth
Biblical and Classical Literature: Literary Genre and Ancient Culture
Interpretation of Literature: 想象历史 (7次)

  • Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883-1924, 2008, http://ohiostatepress.org/books/Book%20Pages/Franke%20Modernist.html
  • "Corley's Aspirations and Gumley's Dreams in 'Eumaeus'", James Joyce Quarterly, 2021, 10.1353 / jjq.2021.0018
  • "The Countercultural Legacy of Generation X in Twin Peaks", Gen X at Middle Age in Popular Culture, 2020
  • "Nostalgia and the Kiss of 《九游会国际》 in Twin Peaks", James Joyce and the 艺术, European Joyce Studies, 2020, http://doi.org/10.1163/9789004426191_012
  • "Vachel Lindsay at 海湾公园, 1923 to 1924", 密西西比州的季度, 2019, 10.1353 / mss.2016.0001
  • "The Resurrection of Being in the Ricorso of Finnegans Wake", James Joyce Quarterly, 2007, 10.1353 / jjq.0.0038
  • "Hardy's Ur-Priestess and the Phases of a Novel", 小说研究, 2007
  • "The 'Curious' Pagan Spirit of Pater's The Renaissance", Nineteenth-Century Prose, 2004
  • "In the 'nummifeed confusionary': Reading the Negative Confession of Finnegans Wake", Journal of Narrative Theory, 2000, 10.1353 / jnt.2011.0021
  • “克里斯托弗美林”, Twentieth Century American Nature Poets, Dictionary of Literary 生物graphy, 2008
  • Modern Language Association
  • International James Joyce Foundation
  • Association for the Study of Literature of the Environment
  • Society for Utopian Studies
  • Utopian Studies Society
  • English (Native or Bilingual)
  • Italian (Limited Working)
  • German (Limited Working)



Elizabeth Hall (EH) 316 map





现代主义, English Literary History, 爱尔兰的研究, Literature of the Environment, Late Victorian Literature, Contemporary Literature, 乌托邦思想